Reuse of TBMs & Components

Our world wide network in tunneling simplifies you task to find existing TBMs 
or equipment for your project, as well as your task to find a second life
for your own TBMs and equipment.

In tunneling, it becomes more and more common to find a second use case for your machinery equipment. We support you from finding the use case until any overhauling and remanufacturing process of the equipment. Further, we help you with the commercial evaluation of your equipment. To increase chances for a positive sale, here are some tips to consider up from the beginning of your tunneling project:

  • Ensure all maintenance documents are available
  • Storage measures should be initiated during end of tunneling, at the latest during disassembly
  • Ensure that all data files of the data logger are available
  • Ensure safe and logged storage of the components
  • Ensure the maintenance during storage


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